In Chhattisgarh, a brewing conflict between the Central and State governments has caught the public’s attention. Prime Minister Modi recently inaugurated a steel plant in Jagdalpur, offering a 27,000-crore gift to the state. However, no representative from the Chhattisgarh government attended the government event, leading to Prime Minister Modi expressing his displeasure from the stage. He stated that no corrupt individual could look him in the eye, indirectly hinting at the absence of state officials.
In response to this, Chhattisgarh’s Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel criticized the event and its implications. To protest against the privatization of the Nagarnar steel plant, the Congress party called for a “Bastar bandh” (shutdown) today, resulting in no participation from the state government in the public program.
PM Modi Expresses Concern Over the Fate of the Government
The Prime Minister inaugurated the Nagarnar steel plant on Tuesday. Despite the significance of the event, not a single Chhattisgarh minister, chief minister, or deputy chief minister was present. Their absence can be attributed to two primary reasons: first, they are preoccupied with safeguarding their government, knowing that there is no time for them to attend such events. Second, they understand that no one involved in corruption can meet PM Modi’s gaze.
Planning to Sell the Plant Before Commencement – CM Baghel
Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, during a media interaction in Raipur, explained that they had provided the land for the Nagarnar plant, and it was included in the investment pipeline before the plant’s initiation. He questioned why they would plan to sell the plant even before it started operating. He emphasized that they were assuring that the plant would not go into private hands.
CM Baghel Opposes Privatization
Furthermore, Chief Minister Baghel stated that the public’s voice should reach the Prime Minister, urging him to reconsider. He also highlighted their efforts in communicating their concerns through letters and resolutions in the state assembly. The Congress party had also called for a peaceful Bastar bandh, which was successful in expressing their opposition.
Congress Accuses PM Modi’s Government of Privatization
It’s worth noting that Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel had earlier announced in Raipur that the Nagarnar steel plant was slated for privatization. In response to this, the Congress party had accused the Modi government of privatizing Nagarnar for the benefit of their industrialist friends, while the state government intended to manage it with a 20,000-crore investment. Consequently, the state government chose to stay away from the event, distancing themselves from the central government’s approach.