From the humble mud houses of Naharkhohra village in Sikraya, within the Dausa district of Rajasthan, emerged an inspirational tale of Arvind Kumar Meena. His life journey is a testament to the power of resilience, determination, and a mother’s unwavering support.

Humble Beginnings:

Born into abject poverty in the Sikraya subdivision, Arvind’s early life was reflective of the struggles many face in remote Indian villages. Naharkhohra wasn’t just a village; it was a constant reminder of the hardships that life can present.

A Mother’s Determination:

Tragedy struck when Arvind was just 12. With the sudden demise of his father, the weight of the family’s future rested squarely on his mother’s shoulders. Despite being categorized under the Below Poverty Line (BPL) and grappling with the challenges that came with it, his mother’s resolve never wavered. She toiled tirelessly, ensuring Arvind’s education continued uninterrupted, all while they lived in their modest mud house.

Facing Adversity Head-On:

As the financial constraints tightened, despair set in. Arvind, burdened by their circumstances, considered abandoning his studies. However, it was his mother’s steadfast belief and encouragement that reignited the spark in him. She became the pillar of strength he needed, propelling him to renew his commitment to his education and ambitions.

The Journey to Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB)

Arvind’s dedication and tenacity eventually paid off. He secured a prestigious position as an Assistant Commandant in the Sashastra Seema Bal, a frontier of India’s defense mechanism. Yet, his thirst for greater achievement remained unquenched. Balancing his duties in the army, he set his sights on the daunting UPSC examination.

The UPSC Triumph:

Arvind’s commitment bore fruit when he undertook the challenging UPSC examination. Not only did he clear it, but he also achieved an impressive rank of 676th in the country, placing 12th in the SC category. This was not just a personal victory but a beacon of hope for countless others who dared to dream against the odds.

IAS Arvind Meena
IAS Arvind Meena

Arvind Meena’s story is not just about personal success. It is a powerful narrative on the transformative power of perseverance, the significance of one’s roots, and the undying spirit of a mother’s love and belief. Today, as he serves the nation, Arvind stands as a shining example for countless others, proving that no matter the circumstances, with determination and support, the sky is the limit.