In 2020, a story of determination, hard work, and sibling support unfolded in India’s UPSC exams – the journey of Ankita Jain and Vaishali Jain. These two sisters didn’t just prepare together, but they also embarked on the challenging journey of the UPSC examinations side by side, proving that collective effort and mutual encouragement can indeed pave the way to success.

Achieving Success Side by Side:

It wasn’t just another exam for Ankita and Vaishali; it was a test of their combined effort, perseverance, and dreams. Both took the UPSC exam together in 2020. Remarkably, in their first attempt, Ankita secured the enviable third rank, while Vaishali, not too far behind, clinched the 21st position.

Realizing the IAS Dream Together:

The UPSC exams are rigorous, demanding both mental agility and vast knowledge. Many aspirants dream of cracking these exams, but few manage to do so in their first attempt. Ankita and Vaishali, through sheer hard work and dedication, not only passed but ranked notably high, transforming their shared dream of becoming IAS officers into reality.

Shared Notes, Shared Encouragement:

What’s striking about their journey is that the Jain sisters prepared for the UPSC exam using the same notes. More than the notes, however, it was their mutual encouragement that made all the difference. During their preparation, they became each other’s pillars of strength, motivating and pushing each other to excel. This joint effort culminated in their fantastic performance, allowing both to realize their ambition of joining the Indian Administrative Service.

Setting An Inspirational Example:

Ankita and Vaishali’s story isn’t just about shared success; it’s about breaking barriers and setting an example for countless young women across India. By appearing for the exam together, supporting each other throughout, and both securing high ranks, they’ve inspired numerous young aspirants, especially girls, to chase their dreams with determination and dedication.

IAS Ankita Jain

Their journey serves as a reminder that with hard work, dedication, and the right kind of support, even the loftiest of dreams can be achieved. The Jain sisters have not just achieved personal success; they’ve become an emblem of hope and inspiration for countless aspirants across the country.