Holi festival is over, want to go back to work, Railways has run many special trains for the people, see the list…

Railways has run many special trains

Railways has run many special trains

Friends, like every year, this year also the Railways had run many Holi special trains before Holi. This train was run to control the crowd. But now the festival is over and people are ready to go about their livelihood with the same speed.

Also read: बिहार से चलने वाली इस ट्रेन में मिलेगी कंफर्म टिकट, लगे अतिरिक्‍त कोच

In such a situation, seeing the sudden crowd in the train, the Railways is again planning to run many special trains, in which the Railways has also announced that after Holi, many Holi special trains will be run.

Also read: इस ट्रेन में मिलेगी कंफर्म टिकट, बिहार से पश्चिम बंगाल व कर्नाटक के लिए चलेगी ट्रेन

In this regard, senior railway officer Virender Kumar has said that Holi special trains are being run for various cities, so that no one faces any problem in returning after celebrating Holi with the family. Used to be.

Also read: पटना, किशनगंज, कटिहार, खगड़िया, बेगूसराय जैसे शहरों से चलेगी वंदे भारत, बिहार को मिलेगी एक और वंदे भारत

The list of trains that will be run is given below.

Also read: मुजफ्फरपुर, हाजीपुर, पाटलिपुत्र के रास्ते दिल्ली के लिए चलेगी स्पेशल ट्रेन, जाने किराया

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