Good news for the people of Bihar, 80 meter wide road will be built in the state

Bihar News

Bihar News

Bihar News: At present, the road network in Bihar is being laid at a very fast pace. Which is going to be a 80 meter wide road very soon in the state. Friends, along with Punpun to Bihta Sampatchak, there are many small towns in the metropolis which are being talked about to be connected.

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For your information, let us tell you that there are many towns in the capital city in which there are plans to build commercial, educational, industry and residential areas. At present, its complete action plan is being prepared rapidly.

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Friends, the area of ​​the metropolis is going to exceed 1000 kilometers very soon. According to the news going on in the media, there are many small towns in the metropolis from Punpun to Bihta Sampatchak as well as nearby small towns which are being discussed to be connected.

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It is being told that the agency will prepare a blueprint by dividing the 1065 square kilometer area into 14 parts. If experts are to be believed, these 4 roads will be like this. Friends, the road will be 80 meters wide, which people will recognize by the name of Central Swine.

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