Social media has become an integral part of our lives, with many people using it as a full-time job. People often post videos and pictures online for promotion and publicity, while some use it professionally, and others attract attention by performing foolish stunts or discussing controversial topics on public roads. Many social media users are influenced by web series and try to recreate scenes on public roads. Recently, there have been cases where individuals showered vehicles with legal tender while walking on the roads. One such incident took place in Noida, after which the police took immediate action against the offenders.

A video shared on Twitter depicted a group of SUVs traveling from Sector 37 to City Center in Noida, showering notes from moving vehicles. The video went viral and caught the attention of the Noida Traffic Police. Using surveillance cameras across the city, the police identified the vehicles and took action against them. Each of the 5 vehicles in the convoy was fined Rs. 33,000, while 12 e-challans were issued overall. Additionally, the police are trying to identify other vehicles present during the stunt and have seized five vehicles involved.

Noida Traffic Police shared images of the offenders and issued a total fine of Rs. 3.96 lakhs through their official social media handle. It’s apparent through the video that individuals were throwing notes on public roads from the windows and sunroof of the cars. These vehicles were being driven carelessly and recklessly, leading the police to take action against the offenders for driving without caution and performing stunts on public roads, causing inconvenience to other road users.

With the onset of the wedding season in North India, it seems that the group was part of a wedding convoy and chose to shower notes on the way to the event venue. Police departments across the country have upgraded their methods to monitor violations. They often rely on social media posts and videos to identify offenses and frequently use it to gather evidence. However, it is important to note that distributing legal tender notes on the roads is illegal, and relevant authorities can take action against those involved. This is not an isolated incident; a few months ago, an individual dressed in “money heist” attire showered cash on the public, and earlier this year, a YouTuber made it rain with notes from a moving Maruti Baleno in Gurugram.

Overall, the trend of such incidents on social media has attracted the attention of law enforcement agencies, and they have taken measures to address such violations. Social media has become a critical tool for police to monitor these kinds of incidents and hold offenders accountable. It is important for individuals to refrain from such illegal stunts and avoid actions that disrupt public peace and safety.

Police Seized 5 SUV
Police Seized 5 SUV


1. Social media has become an integral part of people’s lives, with many using it as a full-time job.
2. People often post videos and images online for publicity and fame, and some try to attract attention by performing foolish stunts or discussing controversial topics.
3. In Noida, a video of a convoy throwing notes from speeding vehicles went viral, prompting immediate action by the police.
4. The Noida Traffic Police identified the vehicles involved and issued fines, as well as seizing five vehicles.
5. The video shows people throwing notes from moving cars onto public roads in a reckless and dangerous manner, leading to action by the police.

Note: The content was translated and summarized from a Hindi article about a viral video in Noida, India, showing a convoy throwing notes from moving vehicles, along with the subsequent police action.

Sonu Roy is originally a resident of Samastipur district of Bihar, has been working as a writer in digital journalism for the last 4 years. In his career of 4 years, he has good experience from politics, automobile, motivation, sports to technology field.