IAS Story: After studying at IIT, Abhijeet prepared for UPSC. Failed the first interview attempt, but later successfully became an IAS officer.

IAS Abhijeet Sinha

IAS Abhijeet Sinha

India’s esteemed Civil Services exam, conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), is a testament to perseverance, hard work, and unwavering commitment. For aspirants like Abhijeet Sinha, the journey was dotted with challenges and learnings. But what’s commendable is how he transformed his setbacks into stepping stones for success.

First Attempt – Close Yet So Far:

Abhijeet Sinha’s journey to becoming an IAS officer was nothing short of inspirational. In his initial attempt, he astoundingly made it to the interview round, which itself is a remarkable feat considering the rigorous nature of the UPSC examinations. However, destiny had other plans. Falling short of making it to the final list, he did not let this deter his spirits.

Academic Excellence from the Start:

From the outset, Abhijeet displayed an exceptional aptitude for academics. After his intermediate education, he took on the challenge of the competitive IIT entrance exam, emerging victorious. This led him to one of India’s premier institutions, IIT Kanpur, where he honed his technical skills, graduating with a B.Tech degree.

The Shift Towards Civil Services:

It was during his time at IIT Kanpur that a new aspiration dawned upon Abhijeet – to serve the nation as a civil servant. With the B.Tech degree in hand and a dream in his eyes, he plunged into the exhaustive preparation for the UPSC Civil Services exam.

Resilience in the Face of Adversity:

Dedication, strategy, and persistent hard work enabled him to reach the interview round on his first attempt. Though he encountered hurdles and faced certain shortcomings, his resilience never waned. Recognizing and rectifying his areas of improvement, Abhijeet faced his second attempt with renewed vigor and determination. His efforts bore fruit when he not only cleared the exam but also added laurels to his family’s name.

Abhijeet’s Mantra for Success:

According to Abhijeet, the road to UPSC success is paved with motivation, patience, and continuous hard work. He emphasizes the importance of self-belief and tenacity, especially when faced with prolonged challenges. In his words, “The UPSC journey can sometimes be elongated, but one shouldn’t get disheartened. Self-confidence is paramount. Always keep motivating yourself.

IAS Abhijeet Sinha

Abhijeet Sinha’s journey, from the classrooms of IIT Kanpur to the esteemed corridors of the IAS, serves as an exemplar for many. His story is a testament that with determination, perseverance, and self-belief, one can surmount any challenge.

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