In the vibrant fields of Dantaramgarh, Sikar, in Rajasthan, Bhagwati Devi, an astute farmer, has carved a name for herself with her ingenious method to protect crops from termites. Her method not only earned her recognition and awards in India but also piqued international interest.

Recognition Beyond Borders:

Bhagwati Devi’s unique method of safeguarding her crops fetched her the prestigious Krishi Scientist Samman and Krishi Prerna Samman, accompanied by a cash award of ₹50,000. Moreover, her innovation has made its mark in international agricultural courses.

Genesis of the Idea:

Various trees like Ardu, Vel, Khejri, Neem, Safeda, Acacia, Shisham, and others dot Bhagwati Devi’s farmland. She noticed that termites, attracted to specific woods, especially the Eucalyptus, wreak havoc not just on the trees but also on the crops.

A Eureka Moment:

In 2004, an observation led to a game-changing idea. Noticing termites’ affinity for whitewood, she wondered: what if whitewashed sticks were used as a decoy amidst the crops? Her experiment was a success as the termites prioritized the whitewood sticks over the crops.

Further Experiments:

Witnessing the success with the whitewood strategy, Bhagwati Devi decided to further her experiments. She delayed sowing her wheat crop, placed whitewood amongst them, and observed that termites were distracted by the whitewood, sparing her crops.

Unearthing Additional Benefits:

Pondering over the natural benefits of termites, much like earthworms which enrich the soil, she realized that they too contribute positively to soil fertility. This revelation added another feather to her cap of agricultural intelligence.

Expansion of the Method:

Not one to rest on her laurels, Bhagwati Devi began experimenting with various crops, applying her unique method to safeguard them. Her approach began gaining traction in the agricultural community.

Verification by the Experts:

Intrigued by the buzz surrounding her technique, Dr. MP Sahu, Director of Agricultural Research at Rajasthan Agricultural University (Bikaner), visited Bhagwati Devi’s fields. Witnessing her chili crops thriving amidst the whitewood, he decided to test her method at the Agricultural Research Center.

Validation and Adoption:

Dr. Sahu’s experiments confirmed the efficacy of Bhagwati Devi’s approach. Subsequently, higher officials from the state’s agriculture department were intimated. Further successful tests at the Advocate Trial Center in Ajmer solidified her method’s validity. Ultimately, Bhagwati Devi’s innovation was integrated into official agricultural practices.

Bhagwati Devi
Bhagwati Devi 

Bhagwati Devi’s journey exemplifies how observation, curiosity, and innovation can revolutionize traditional practices. Her story stands as a testament to the power of grassroots innovation in sustainable agriculture.