Success Story: After leaving the teaching job, they became farmers, cultivating pearls at home and earning a good profit.

Raza Mohammad

Raza Mohammad

In the serene surroundings of Rasoolpura village in Ajmer, 41-year-old Raza Mohammad has turned a challenging phase of life into an inspiring success story. After facing job loss during the pandemic, Raza transformed his life by diving into the unique world of pearl farming right in his backyard. Here’s a detailed look at his incredible journey:

Humble Beginnings:

Raza Mohammad, originally from Rasoolpura, began with a small experiment in pearl farming. Today, this endeavor has transformed into a profitable venture, fetching him millions, all from the comfort of his home.

Facing Uncertainty:

Prior to the pandemic, Raza was a dedicated teacher in the village school. However, the ravaging effects of Corona took away his employment, leaving him in search of new opportunities.

Initial Struggles:

Raza owned 2 bighas of land where he cultivated seasonal vegetables. However, the returns were minimal. It was during this time of financial crunch that he chanced upon the idea of pearl farming.

Overcoming Doubts:

Initially skeptical about pearl farming, thinking it might be too laborious, a fortuitous encounter changed Raza’s perspective. He met Nitin Garwa, a resident of Kishangarh, Rajasthan.

Learning from Nitin:

Nitin Garwa, like Raza, pivoted his career after facing job loss. He turned to pearl farming, reaping significant profits, thereby serving as a beacon of inspiration for Raza.

The First Step:

Determined to venture into this new field, Raza decided to get trained. However, the persistent Corona situation allowed him just a single day of formal training.

Starting Small:

Post his brief training, Raza innovatively used a 10/25 portion of his two-bigha land. He created a makeshift pond, covered it with a tarpaulin, and laid the foundation for his pearl farming journey.

Equipping the Farm:

Raza meticulously gathered all the required equipment – from an ammonium meter, medicines, and antibiotics to thermometers and pearl nucleus. Interestingly, for the oyster meal, he used cow dung, urea, and super phosphate derived from algae.

Seeing Results:

In his self-made pond, Raza introduced the nucleus into 1,000 oysters. With proper care and feeding, each oyster has the potential to yield two pearls. Investing seven years and Rs. 70,000 into this venture, Raza is optimistic about fetching a profit of Rs. 2.5 lakh soon.

Raza Mohammad’s story is a testament to the indomitable spirit of humans. Faced with adversities, he found a path less trodden and turned it into a source of hope, not just for himself but for many who hear his story.

Image Creadit – The Better India – Hindi

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