IAS Story: Arman Bhadana, eldest of five siblings, achieves his dream by successfully passing the UPSC exam.

IAS officer Kiran Bhadana

IAS officer Kiran Bhadana

In the vibrant city of Bharatpur, Rajasthan, the Bhadana household resonates with a tale of resilience, ambition, and accomplishment. The story belongs to Kiran Bhadana, the youngest among five siblings and a proud member of the Gurjar community.

Roots and Heritage:

Kiran Bhadana’s lineage and upbringing are rooted in the Gurjar community of Bharatpur. As the youngest of five, Kiran was surrounded by the love and aspirations of her elder siblings, especially Arman.

Academic Pursuits:

Hailing from a family where her father, Atar Singh Bhadana, was actively involved in politics, Kiran’s educational journey was nothing short of illustrious. She embarked on her academic pursuits with graduation from the prestigious Shri Ram College of Delhi University (DU). Further sharpening her intellect, she pursued post-graduation from the renowned Jawaharlal Nehru University.

The UPSC Odyssey:

With a dream to serve the nation, Kiran began her preparation for the UPSC exams. In 2012, she took her first shot at this challenging exam, only to face defeat. Undeterred by initial setbacks, Kiran persevered, giving the exams in 2014 and 2015. Despite not succeeding in these attempts, her spirit remained unbroken. It was in 2016 that her hard work and dedication finally paid off.

The Fruits of Persistence:

Kiran Bhadana not only cleared the UPSC exam, renowned as one of the most challenging in the country but also secured an impressive 120th rank. After rigorous training, she was appointed to the esteemed position of Fertilizers Assistant Secretary, marking a significant milestone in her journey.

IAS officer Kiran Bhadana

Kiran Bhadana’s tale is not just about individual success. It is a testament to unwavering dedication, the power of persistence, and the undying spirit of dreaming big, even when faced with adversities. As the youngest in the family, her achievements serve as a beacon of inspiration for countless others, affirming that with grit and determination, one can indeed turn dreams into reality.

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