IAS Story: After his father’s demise, he mended punctures, borrowed books for UPSC preparation, and secured the 32nd rank, becoming an officer

IAS Varun Baranwal

IAS Varun Baranwal

Varun Baranwal’s journey to becoming an IAS officer is one that resonates with determination, passion, and resilience. From the bylanes of Bisore city in Maharashtra to the esteemed corridors of the Indian Administrative Service, Varun’s story is a testament to the indomitable human spirit.

As a young boy, Varun harbored dreams of entering the medical profession. Life, however, had its plans. With the untimely demise of his father, young Varun found himself grappling with responsibilities that most his age could scarcely fathom. To ensure his family’s sustenance, he took over his father’s humble bicycle repair business, mending punctures and making ends meet while continuing his education.

Despite the adversity he faced, Varun’s brilliance in academics shone bright. This was evident when he not only appeared for the 10th-grade examination but secured a position as the second-highest scorer in the entire city of Bisore.

Yet, financial constraints and familial obligations saw Varun discontinuing his education. It seemed the dreams of the bright student would be curtailed, but fate had other plans. A doctor known to the family, recognizing Varun’s potential, urged him to resume his studies. With the doctor’s assistance, Varun found himself enrolled in college once again.

On completing his higher secondary education, Varun decided to pursue engineering. His diligence and dedication bore fruit when he topped his college in the very first semester, earning him a scholarship that further aided his academic pursuits.

IAS Varun Baranwal

Upon obtaining his engineering degree, Varun was presented with a golden opportunity – a lucrative position in a multinational company. While many would have embraced this chance, especially considering his background, Varun had a different vision. Driven by a desire to serve the nation, he chose the path less traveled. The tales of his determination grew as he borrowed books and self-studied, laying the foundation for his eventual aim – the UPSC examination.

After eight years of sheer hard work, sacrifice, and perseverance, Varun’s efforts culminated in a monumental achievement. He secured the 32nd rank in the Civil Services Examination, realizing his dream of becoming an IAS officer.

Varun Baranwal’s story serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration, showcasing that with grit and determination, one can overcome even the harshest of life’s challenges.

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