KTM, a renowned name in the world of two-wheelers, is all set to make a splash in the market once again. With its latest offering, the KTM Duke, the brand aims to take on established names like the Bajaj Pulsar. Here’s an in-depth look at what makes the new Duke a force to reckon with:
- Origin and Availability: The KTM Duke represents a series of bikes produced by the esteemed two-wheeler manufacturer, KTM, in India. Currently, six distinct Duke models are available for enthusiasts, with prices starting from a competitive Rs. 1,78,987.
- Specifications and Features:
- Mileage: The Duke series offers an impressive mileage range between 28 kmpl to 40 kmpl.
- Price: A model is available at ₹ 3,62,253.
- Displacement: Boasts of a 398.63 cc engine.
- Weight: A manageable 168.3 kg, ideal for versatile handling.
- Fuel Tank: Comes with a capacity of 15 litres, ensuring longer rides without frequent refills.
- Best Mileage: The 125 Duke stands out as the most fuel-efficient model, offering an authentic mileage of 40 kmpl.
- User Reviews:
- Anish Ghanchi: “A mind-blowing machine. Perfect for cornering, stunts, and races. With low maintenance and optimal performance, I only trust the KTM service center for its care.”
- Sahil Jaiswar: “A 10/10 riding experience. With excellent handling and cornering, it’s the best powerful machine in its segment. Ideal for short riders.”
- Shaho Yt: “Not the best KTM bike. The 125 cc price is too high, with low mileage. Better options are available within this range.”
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
- Q: Which is the most affordable Duke bike available in India? A: The KTM 125 Duke, priced at ₹ 1,77,484, is the most economical choice.
- Q: Which Duke bikes are most popular in India? A: The KTM 390 Duke and KTM 200 Duke are among the top favorites.
- Q: Are there any upcoming Duke models? A: Yes, the KTM 125 Duke [2024] is set to launch soon.
The new KTM Duke, with its sporty design and impressive features, is geared up to be a game-changer in the competitive two-wheeler market. Whether it will dethrone established giants like the Bajaj Pulsar remains to be seen, but it surely has revved up the anticipation among bike enthusiasts.
Features of the New KTM Duke:
- Origin: Manufactured by the esteemed two-wheeler brand, KTM, in India.
- Variety: Six distinct Duke models catering to different preferences and needs.
- Pricing: Starting from a competitive Rs. 1,78,987.
- Mileage: Impressive range between 28 kmpl to 40 kmpl.
- Engine Displacement: Boasts of a robust 398.63 cc engine.
- Weight: Weighs 168.3 kg, ensuring versatile handling.
- Fuel Capacity: A 15-litre fuel tank, allowing for longer journeys without frequent refueling stops.
- Best Mileage: The 125 Duke offers the highest mileage in the series with 40 kmpl.
- User Feedback: Positive reviews highlight excellent handling, cornering, and low maintenance.
- Value for Money: Some users feel the 125 cc variant is priced a bit high for its features.
- Upcoming Model: The much-anticipated KTM 125 Duke [2024] set to launch soon.