Naseeruddin Shah questions the success of films like ‘Gadar 2’ and ‘Kashmir Files’, making a surprising comment

Naseeruddin Shah

Naseeruddin Shah

Naseeruddin Shah: Renowned actor Naseeruddin Shah has been a fixture in the Indian film industry for decades, known not only for his versatile acting but also for his candid opinions. Recently, the actor has again made headlines, but this time not for a role, but for his views on certain popular films.

A Candid Personality:

Shah is no stranger to stirring the pot with his straightforward comments. Time and again, he’s made it to the news because of his unabashed thoughts, even if they go against the grain of popular sentiment.

A Comment amid Promotions:

The context of Shah’s recent remarks was during the promotion of his directorial effort, ‘Man Woman Man Woman’. While discussing his project, Shah didn’t shy away from voicing his thoughts on the kind of cinema that’s resonating with audiences today. Specifically, he expressed reservations about certain films like ‘Gadar 2’ and ‘The Kashmir Files’.

Questioning the Popularity:

Shah didn’t mince words, stating, “It is disturbing that films like ‘Kashmir Files’ and ‘Gadar 2’ are becoming so famous.” His remark hints at a deeper concern about the narratives and stories that are gaining traction among the audience.

On Casting and Performance:

Diving further into the craft of filmmaking, Shah commented on his approach to casting, “I always believed that if I assemble the finest actors, their performances would naturally shine through.” His emphasis on the power of good acting is evident, and he seems to value genuine performances over sensationalism.

gadar 2

while Naseeruddin Shah’s comments might ruffle some feathers, they provide food for thought on the direction in which the Indian cinema is headed. Whether one agrees with him or not, it’s undeniable that his perspective, given his vast experience, offers a different lens through which to view the current cinematic landscape.

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