Kishanganj to Patna Train: This is very important news for the railway passengers of Bihar. Because now you can travel from Kishanganj to the capital Patna in a very short time. The train running from New Jalpaiguri to Patna will have a halt at Kishanganj.
For your information, let us tell you that from March 10, this train is going to run as per regular time. It is being told that many people are happy with the stoppage of this train in Kishanganj. The trial run of the same Vande Bharat Express train took place on Tuesday.
Friends, as part of the trial, Vande Bharat train started from New Jalpaiguri i.e. NJP at 5:15 in the morning and reached Kishanganj railway station at 6:18. And the happiest thing is that it left for Patna at 6:20.
What’s more, Vande Bharat Express running from New Jalpaiguri to Patna via Kishanganj will operate on the duly scheduled route on March 10. Let us tell you that this train going towards Patna will reach Kishanganj at 06:17 am and Katihar at 07:50 am.