BSRTC: BSRTC i.e. Bihar State Road Transport Corporation has given a big gift to the people going from Bihar to Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand. Friends, it is a matter of happiness that the corporation has announced to start operation of 121 new buses on 61 routes.
Let us tell you that the operation of buses will start from January 10, 2024. These buses will provide very luxurious facilities. Which includes facilities like AC, washroom, TV, Wi-Fi. Let us tell you that new buses will run from Bihar to the cities of Uttar Pradesh.
Which includes Bihar’s Patna to Lucknow, Varanasi, Gorakhpur, Prayagraj, Kanpur, Agra, Banaras and Allahabad. Will settle for. Not only this, friends, buses will run from Bihar to Jharkhand. Friends, you can reach your destination comfortably with these new buses.
Through this, people of Bihar will be able to go to Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand very easily. That too with luxury facilities. Along with this, road transport will also get a boost. Enthusiasm is also being seen among the people of Bihar regarding this.