In a recent development, the residence of the Aam Aadmi Party’s Rajya Sabha MP, Sanjay Singh, was raided. Delhi’s Chief Minister, Arvind Kejriwal, was quick to respond. He pointed out that over the past year, there’s been talk of a liquor scandal, but despite many raids, nothing has been found. He commented on the numerous raids that have been conducted related to the so-called alcohol scam but lamented the lack of any concrete evidence.

Kejriwal stressed that nothing incriminating was found at Singh’s residence and speculated that these raids are politically motivated, especially with the upcoming elections. He mentioned that as the elections approach, agencies would become more active. Reflecting on the past year, Kejriwal said they’ve constantly heard about alleged scandals related to classrooms, bus purchases, and more. Yet, after numerous investigations, no evidence of wrongdoing has been found, including at Singh’s residence.

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He also emphasized that the opposition party (BJP) senses a potential defeat in the upcoming elections and their desperation is evident.

Earlier, the Aam Aadmi Party accused that the Enforcement Directorate (ED) targeted Sanjay Singh due to issues he raised in the parliament regarding the Adani Group. The AAP spokesperson, Reena Gupta, stated, “Sanjay Singh has consistently questioned the Adani Group, and this is why raids are being conducted at his residence. Central agencies have not found anything before, and they won’t find anything now.”

Sanjay Singh’s father, Dinesh Singh, stated that his son is cooperating with the ED. He expressed understanding that the ED was just performing its duty.

There have been allegations that the Delhi government’s excise policy for the fiscal year 2021-22 favored specific liquor traders, allegedly benefiting them through corruption. The AAP has vehemently denied these allegations. After recommendations from Delhi’s Lieutenant Governor for a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) inquiry into the policy, it was subsequently revoked. Following the recommendation for a CBI probe, the ED registered a case under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).

Arvind Kejrival, Cm delhi
Arvind Kejrival, Cm delhi

Singh had sought an investigation into allegations against the Adani Group. The U.S.-based company, Hindenburg Research, had accused the Adani Group of financial irregularities and manipulation of share values. The Adani Group, however, has denied all these charges.

Image Credit – Times Of India
Image Credit – ABP Live

Sonu Roy is originally a resident of Samastipur district of Bihar, has been working as a writer in digital journalism for the last 4 years. In his career of 4 years, he has good experience from politics, automobile, motivation, sports to technology field.