Mahendra Singh Dhoni, the former captain of the Indian cricket team, has always been known for his unique and unconventional style choices. Recently, he underwent a significant makeover by getting a new haircut, causing a buzz in the fashion world. His fresh hairstyle has taken the internet by storm, and he looks absolutely stunning in his latest look.
Not too long ago, Dhoni was seen with long hair, but he has now opted for a more stylish and colorful appearance by getting his hair professionally styled and colored. The credit for this transformation goes to the renowned hairstylist, Aalim Hakim.
Aalim Hakim is a top hairstylist in Bollywood, known for working with leading actors and providing them with trendy and distinctive hairstyles. His portfolio includes films like ‘Rockstar,’ ‘Barfi,’ ‘Robot,’ and ‘Baahubali,’ where he has played a pivotal role in shaping the actors’ looks.
Dhoni’s decision to trust Aalim Hakim for his latest hairstyle is not surprising, as the hairstylist has earned a reputation for his expertise in the industry. Bollywood, Tollywood, and Indian cricket stars frequently visit his salon to get their haircuts and styles done.
Dhoni has always been in the limelight when it comes to his hair. He has experimented with different hairstyles over the years, from long hair during his early cricket career to a shorter, more polished look after winning the 2011 World Cup.
MS Dhoni’s ever-evolving style continues to captivate fans and fashion enthusiasts alike. His recent hairstyle change is just another example of his fearless approach to fashion, and it’s evident that he will continue to set trends and make headlines in the world of style and grooming.