Success Story: In the bustling town of Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, a once-prominent journalist made an unconventional career shift, transforming his three-story house into a thriving vertical farm. This unique pivot not only brought him closer to nature but also yielded an impressive profit of Rs 70 lakh.
The Origin of an Idea:
Ramveer Singh, a former journalist from Bareilly, always believed in stories with a purpose. But when he learned about a friend’s uncle suffering from cancer due to chemically-laden vegetables, it wasn’t just a story; it was a personal wake-up call. Concerned about his family’s wellbeing and spurred by a newfound commitment to organic living, Singh resigned from journalism and embraced farming. However, he didn’t have traditional farming land. Instead, he had a three-storey house, which he envisioned as a vertical farm.
A Profound Shift and a New Venture:
Ramveer’s initial foray into hydroponic farming soon bore fruit, both literally and figuratively. With an investment in this avant-garde farming technique, Singh raked in a whopping Rs 70 lakh. Beyond personal success, he founded his own company, Vimpa Organic and Hydroponic, embodying his vision of sustainable, chemical-free farming.
The Rise of Vertical Farming:
Though vertical gardening has been around for a while, Singh’s adoption and adaptation of this method have brought it to the forefront, especially in urban settings. He champions a technique that maximizes space, reduces reliance on soil, and eliminates harmful chemicals.
A Guru in Green Farming:
Ramveer Singh, with his journalist’s flair for communication, now imparts knowledge to aspiring organic farmers. Leveraging hydroponic technology, he offers training sessions, ensuring the spread of this sustainable farming method.
The Wonders of Hydroponic Technology at Home:
Without using soil or chemicals, Singh has cultivated an enviable vertical garden. Hydroponic technology, which primarily relies on water, powers his garden. Today, his transformed three-storey home is a verdant paradise, boasting over 10,000 vegetable plants. From common vegetables like cauliflower and bitter gourd to exotic fruits like strawberries, Singh’s house yields a bountiful, organic harvest.
In a world grappling with environmental challenges and health concerns, Ramveer Singh’s journey from journalism to organic farming stands as a testament to innovation, determination, and the will to make a difference.